May 2024 Be Your Best Year EVER!

Most people teach you "How To" - We teach you "How Through"

Most people teach you "How To" - We teach you "How Through"

It has taken us years and years of trial and error learning the "How To's" of the Creative Process. We would get excited about a new creation or endeavor only to end up discouraged because we would end up stuck or shut-down by things outside our control. We applied all the principles we had learned about Vision Boards, Positive Affirmations, Prayer, Manifesting, Service, Love-Thy-Neighbor, etc., and yes some things would manifest but most would not. Determined to become Master Creators we learned how to become "Master Askers". The term How Through became a by-line for getting through, or over or around the obstacles that stand in the way of reaching our dreams and goals. We learned to ask the question "Why" and then be still enough to hear the answer. It didn't happen overnight but over several years we have created programs and protocols that teach people how to become all that they are meant to be and the gift of their opposition. The joy literally comes from the experience you have gained and the wisdom you have acquired on your journey THROUGH the storms of life.  

Join us as we journey together through the storms and gain the knowledge needed to "MAKE OUR VISIONS COME ALIVE"  

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  • Debra Hale
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