May 2024 Be Your Best Year EVER!

A Penny a Prayer A New Holiday Gift Giving Idea

A Penny a Prayer   A New Holiday Gift Giving Idea

A Penny a Prayer

A New Holiday Gift Giving Idea


We know service is an important element that adds joy to our holiday spirit, and many love to serve the less fortunate during this holiday season. 

We might find ourselves asking, how can I serve others that would bring them joy, who should I serve, or what can I to do with my particular limitations of time, health, or money?

Ahhh, that's a great question. 

So are you ready for a fantastic new simple idea that has the power to totally and completely change lives?  Great, then you are ready to join me in this wonderful yet ever so simple new holiday gift giving idea called A Penny a Prayer.

 “A Penny a Prayer” is a gift of love that will last a lifetime and take only seconds of your time and is worth it’s weight in gold, both to you the giver, and your beneficiary.

How it works

Get 2 rolls of Pennies per person  in your household and an empty container or jar to put them in.

Place the container and your personal pile of pennies in a very significant traffic area in your home like on the mantel, in the kitchen, by the front door or by your bedside.

Each day as you pass the container, STOP, pick up a penny, think of someone in need… and offer the best prayer of love in their behalf that you can think of; then place your penny in the container and go on your way. Watch the blessings grow!

 After you sent out your blessing of love, let go and trust your Heavenly support team is there to do their part to bring that gift of love and blessings to those you prayed for. Keep your eyes and ears open for the Magic and the amazing results of your prayers! I have seen miracles happen in people lives from this small gift of service.

This season you can do more good than you know, just by stopping and offering a little prayer in behalf of someone in need. Then at the end of the Holiday season, each time you pass the full jar of pennies, take one out, hold it… and offer a prayer of gratitude to God for all the blessings you received this holiday season and put it back in the penny paper roll. Keep this tradition going for a real, yet ever so simple boost in your happy place. 

This is a small, but simple way to bring about great change in the lives of others. 

May the Holiday Season bring you all the joy you can hold and may this be your most joy filled Christmas EVER! 


Please share your miracles in the comments below so that others can see what this simple gift of love can do. After all... we ARE all children of God, and... we have great power to positively effect the life of those around us IF WE BELIEVE we can. 

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  • Tannie Bennett
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