Understanding Fear - Answering a Few Important Questions 0
Do we hold on to our fears for a long time believing that it’s normal?
What are your beliefs about fear?
What are your beliefs about letting go?
Learning to let go quickly is by far the best way to go. It feels so much better than holding on to the weight and pain of our fears and false beliefs.
A client said to me once, “I don’t think I have any fear.” Then after a brief pause she added, “Oh maybe I do and I just don’t know what they are.”
Is that possible, is it possible to not have any fears? Is it possible to have fears and not know what they are?
What do you think?
- Do we have hidden fears or anxiety?
- Do we have fears/anxiety that we don’t understand or know what they are?
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Clearing Sessions Emotional Journal Healing Journey to Joy Opposition Self-Healing Stress

What Do You Do If You Know You Are a Sponge 0
Sometimes life just hits you in the face like a board, and while you are standing there stunned by what just happened you ask, "What is the Matter? … Why can’t I get a handle on my life? Why does this keep happening to me? What is going on, what can I do to change, because I just can’t keep this up, it is killing me!"
Join me and discover What is the Matter.
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Clearing Sessions Healing Opposition Self-Healing Stress What is the Matter

Identifying Your Roadblocks with The Because Tracts 0
As we journey through life, we often feel stuck. We feel something is keeping us from where we want to go, but we don’t know what it is. In this segment, we are going to take a closer look at what is standing in our way and what we can do about it. We will look at what’s blocking us and what is keeping us from accomplishing our goals and establishing the lives of our dreams.
Our intention now is to discover the answers to the following important questions:
- What is in our way?
- How do we identify what’s in the way of our personal goals and desires?
- How do we discover and identify what is keeping us from joy?
- If we identify the roadblocks, what can we do with them?
- How do we remove them?

The Benefits of Keeping an Emotional Journal 0
Keeping an Emotional Journal
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Clearing Sessions Contact Emotional Journal Healing Journey to Joy Self-Healing Stress