Changing Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts 0
All of our lower vibrational thoughts, memories or beliefs are in need of resolution.
What is resolution and how does this work?
Resolution is the act completing the thought process.
When we think a thought and it comes in at a very low vibration, this thought is frozen in us waiting for resolution. Resolution comes when we actually realize the thought is not in our best interest and then we use our agency to change the thought to a higher frequency thought. This thought resolution process must be done for every frozen thought that is not in alignment of our truth or the true desires of our heart. If you are to receive the life of your dreams, we must first clear out what is blocking you from that dream. Join Tannie Bennett and discover how.
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Journey to Joy Making Your Visions Come Alive Opposition Positive Thinking Self-Healing
And it Came to Pass 0
We have had years of experience feeling negative emotion, yet few of us really know what we are to do with them. Because we have lacked this knowledge, we tend to do what those who have gone before us have done. We stuff them, push them away, and generally don’t deal with them, but it is by “dealing” with our negative emotion that our greatest purpose is discovered.
Allow me to share a personal experience.
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Opposition Self-Healing Stress
The Benefit of Imageries 0
Typically, imageries are used in a therapeutic environment, because of the wealth of benefits to the human mind and soul. The first and most significant purpose in using imageries is to relax the body. We are living in a fast paced world; it is difficult to receive the rest and recuperation time we need to keep our bodies in perfect running condition. Participating in imageries will allow the body time to experience deep relaxed states. Choosing this as part of your daily routine will be the equivalent of receiving an extra three to four hours of good sleep, for a simple 30 to 40 minute imagery.
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Journey to Joy Making Your Visions Come Alive Perfect Day Positive Thinking Self-Healing Stress
Just BREATHE ... The Healing Benefits of Deep Breathing 0
Discover the healing benefits of deep focus breath work as you begin to incorporate this free, easy, yet ever so powerful cleansing technique into your everyday life. Do you want to add more joy to your life? Begin by adding LIFE to your Joy. Join us and spend a few minutes every day to just relax and BREATHE.- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Breath Work Journey to Joy Self-Healing Stress
How We Get Our Core Programming 0
The only way to make a permanent life change is to change your core programming, change your subconscious beliefs about life.- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Journey to Joy Making Your Visions Come Alive Opposition
The Creation of a Masterpiece 0
You may be happy at times, but when you aren’t, what makes you feel dissatisfied with life? What makes you feel like you don’t want to go home, you don’t want to go to work, or you don’t want to face another day? Maybe you don’t even want to wake up; you just want to sleep all day. Have you thought about what causes you to feel that way?
What is the root cause of your misery, unhappiness or depression?......
.....Life is wonderful! It is filled with purpose and meaning, but only to those who seek to see and experience the masterpiece that lies within.
- Tannie Bennett
- Tags: Journey to Joy Making Your Visions Come Alive Opposition Stress